
[layerslider id=“1″]

Fully Responsive

Avada's responsive framework ensures your content looks great on all screen sizes.

Perfect For All Sizes

No matter the size of your screen or device, your site will look fantastic.

Premium Sliders

Avada includes four premium sliders that make your content stand out!

Make Your Content Stand Out

Avada includes the Layer Slider, Revolution Slider, Fusion Slider and Elastic Slider.

Amazing Elements

Avada offers incredible elements that allow you to create a beautiful site.

Build Something Beautiful

Dozens of well designed shortcodes loaded with options gives you perfect freedom.

Hermann Benkowitz

Dieser Bildband rekonstruiert anhand von Fotografien, Dokumenten und anderen historischen Quellen den Lebensweg des preußischen Leibhusaren Hermann Benkowitz in den Jahren 1892 bis 1929.

Der in Westpreußen geborene Benkowitz kämpfte im Ersten Weltkrieg an der Ostfront und zog 1920 mit seinem Regiment nach Belgard in Hinterpommern, wo er bald eine Familie gründete. Nach dem Ende seiner militärischen Laufbahn wurde er 1926 zunächst Steuerwachtmeister und drei Jahre später Zollwachtmeister am Flughafen Rebstock in Frankfurt am Main.

Aus dem Blickwinkel eines »ganz normalen« Bürgers bietet dieser Band authentische Einblicke in die Lebenswirklichkeit im deutschen Kaiserreich und in der Weimarer Republik. Er öffnet ein Fenster in die Vergangenheit – und macht Zeitgeschichte auf anschauliche und eindrückliche Weise nachvollziehbar.


I bought a copy of this theme to test and I am impressed. Not only the theme is well thought out with good amount options and excellent customisation facilities but their support at their support forum is exemplary.I can thoroughly recommend the theme and the developer. I will be buying more licenses.
Sarumbear, Avada Theme
Awesome, You People are Extraordinary with Support and I don’t know any word which is bigger than extraordinary or have written here million times! Superb Theme Superb People and Superb Support! Thanks for Awesome Help! I don’t need to buy any theme again, this is ultimate THEME for Me for Every Business and Client of Mine.
Sherman, Avada Theme
This theme is GREAT. I have tried to work with other themes in the past and always run into bugs, but not with Avada! It is very easy to customize the theme to suit your site without any code knowledge. The portfolio and sliders are a must-have for me, and Avada truly delivers! I will be sticking with Avada for quite some time!
Marymaier,, Avada Theme

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